Return and Refund Policy

Exchanges and Returns (right of withdrawal)

The customer may choose between product exchange or a full refund. The user will have 30 calendar days to make the return or exchange, starting from the date of receiving the order. To request a return within the specified period of 30 calendar days (right of withdrawal), the user may exercise the right of withdrawal using the preferred method; laTostadora offers the use of the form found here.

Refunds resulting from exercising the right of withdrawal will be processed within the following 30 calendar days upon receiving the product or upon presenting proof of the product return.


The customer will send the product to through a carrier, with shipping costs borne by the customer within the stipulated timeframe, specifying whether they want an item exchange or a refund of the amount, to the following address:

Among Tees // C/Camp 66 Barcelona – 08022 (Barcelona)

In the case of a refund, will return the purchase amount through a bank transfer to the account provided by the customer.

In the event of an exchange, will perform the exchange and ship it to the customer at no additional cost. If a product different from the one requested by the customer is delivered due to an error by, the correct product will be delivered without any additional charge to the buyer.

For any claims or suggestions, please contact:  Contact Among Tees

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